Monday, August 13, 2007

Roller Coasters & Shopping, Oh My?!

My first impression of this is, 'Wow, what a cool way to shop!". Alas, the novelty wears off before the video is even over. What if you only need to run into the store for some Diet Coke, which you should always have on hand. Or what it it takes you longer to decide what brand or size of dried noodles to buy then the coaster allows? Does this ride have a brake? These decisions are important, I can't be made to decide in a split second while moving! I would end up riding the coaster round the store 8 times for 6 items because even when I bring an organized list I forgot to actually pick up the item and put it in my cart.

I think I'll stick to tradition and use my feet to get around the grocery store. My trips these days tend to keep me mostly out of the aisles and around the edges of the store anyway.

[video via Boing Boing]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what!? i totally watched that eight times and i'm still pumped up like i've been doing lines of super cool all afternoon.

get back, it's boring you know where.